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主演: 玛丽亚·阿巴迪 Milagros Betti Oscar Dubini
简介: Inanearfuture,crimesandaccidentscanbepreventedbymakingjustonephonecalltothepast.However,thepeaceofthisutopianworldwillbedisruptedbyamethodicalkillerwho...详情 >
主演: 玛丽亚·阿巴迪 Milagros Betti Oscar Dubini
简介: In a near future, crimes and accidents can be prevented by making just one phone call to the past. However, the peace of this utopian world will ...详情 >
导演: 保罗·罗沙
主演: Rui Gomes Isabel Ruth Ruy Furtado Paulo Renato óscar Acúrcio Carlos Jesus Alfonso Manuel Bento Castelar Julio Cleto Olga De Campos 曼努埃尔·德·奥利维拉 Victor Dias Henriqueta Domingues Alberto Dos Santos Raúl Dubini Ghira José Teixeira Ro
简介: 甫成年的朱利欧告别乡村来到里斯本讨生活,无奈工作难寻,只能认份地跟着叔叔学做鞋匠。与年轻而命运相仿的管...详情 >